Pain Relief With Physical Medicine


Physical Medicine is an umbrella term consisting of different therapies that can be used to provide pain and tension relief. These therapies include: laser, water treatment, muscle stretching, skeletal alignment, ultrasound, and electrical current. Hands on therapy to restore function and ease pain is the basic concept.

Muscle Stretching, Skeletal Alignment, and Electrical Current

Designed to provide relief to larger areas of the body. Neck pain, back pain, muscular discomfort, and joint pain can be dramatically reduced. So, just imagine what you could do with less pain and more movement!

Laser, Ultrasound, and Water Treatment

These treatments provide pain relief for smaller areas, wounds, and extremities. Generally, these are focused treatments to specific areas to increase circulation and speed healing time. This means less down time and quicker recovery!

Your provider will perform an initial assessment followed by treatment recommendations. Many people have great success with just one session, some may need more. In other words, pain relief without medication is possible!

How Can It Help Me?

Do you suffer from chronic pain? Is it difficult to do daily tasks? Do you rely on medications for pain relief? Is it hard for you to move around, stand or sit for long periods of time? If so, then one or more of these therapies may be right for you.

Is This Covered By Insurance?

In many cases, insurance will cover the therapies listed above. Of course, there may be plans that do not. We will discuss coverage prior to initiating treatment. So, this means more treatment options available to you!

The Conclusion? Physical Medicine is for Everyone!


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